मंसिर ०७, २०८१, शुक्रबार

अभिनेत्री मोहनालाई कोरोना संक्रमण पुष्टि

जेठ २०, २०७७


टेलिभिजन अभिनेत्री मोहना कुमारी सिंहलाई कोरोनाभाइरस संक्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ ।

मोहनाले ‘ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता हे’ जस्ता कार्यक्रममा काम गरिसकेकी छिन् । उनका श्रीमान् सुयश रावत, ससुरा तथा क्याबिनेट मन्त्री सतपाल महाराज, सासु अमृता रावत, जेठानी आराध्या र उनका पाँच वर्षका छोरा पनि कोरोनाबाट संक्रमित छन् । 

मोहनाको घरमा काम गर्ने अन्य १७ कर्मचारीमा कोभिड–१९ परीक्षण पोजेटिभ आएको छ । सबै ऋषिकेशस्थित एम्स अस्पतालमा भर्ना भएका छन् ।

मोहनाले समाजिक सञ्जालमा आफ्नो पीडा शेयर गरेकी छिन्, ‘सुत्न सकिरहेकी छैन । यो सुरुवाती दिन हामी सबैका लागि निकै कष्टकर छ । विशेषगरी हाम्रा बच्चा र वृद्ध–वृद्धाका लागि । तर यो सबै छिट्टै समाप्त होस् भनेर म प्रार्थना गरिरहेकी छु । हामी ठिक छौं ।’



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उनले लेखेकी छिन्, ‘हामीसँग कसैसँग पनि असन्तुष्टि पोख्ने अधिकार छैन । किनभने यहाँ यस्ता थुप्रै मानिसहरु छन् जसले हामीभन्दा कति गुणा बढी सहनु परेको छ । तर म तपाईँमध्ये हरेकको सन्देश, प्रार्थना र तपाईंले पठाउनुभएको प्रेमका लागि आभारी छु । यसले हामीलाई ऊर्जाशील बनाइराख्छ । हामी सबै तपाईँहरुप्रति मनैदेखि आभारी छौं । तपाईँहरु सबैलाई धन्यवाद ।’

‘मेरो जेठाजुको रिपोर्ट नेगेटिभ आएको छ, तसर्थ उहाँ पूर्ण रुपमा ठिक हुनुहुन्छ । हामीमा मामुली लक्षण देखिएको छ र मलाई लाग्छ कि यो मौसममा भएको परिवर्तनका कारण पनि हुनसक्छ । यहाँ सबैभन्दा राम्रो कुरा त हामीमध्ये कसैमा पनि खासै ठूलो समस्या देखिएको छैन ।’ उनले भनिन् ।

भारतीय सञ्चारमाध्यमका अनुसार, शनिबार मोहनाकी सासु अमृता रावतको कोरोना रिपोर्ट पोजेटिभ आएको थियो  । त्यसपछि स्वास्थ्य विभागले घरमा भएको सबैको परीक्षण गरेको थियो । 

परिवारका सदस्य र सहयोगीको गरी जम्मा ४१ जनाको नमुना परीक्षण गरिएको थियो जसमध्ये २२ जनाको रिपोर्ट पोजेटिभ देखिएको छ ।


Didn’t know something like this existed - Women beating up men with their sticks to remove their frustration (of course it’s not violent... it’s all in good humour) !!! ~ The Quint : Lathmar, a unique form of celebration, is marked in villages of Nandgaon and Barsana in Uttar Pradesh, where women beat up men using long wooden sticks called ‘lath’. Lathmar Holi is celebrated a week before Holi. Legend has it that Lord Krishna had visited Barsana, Radha’s birthplace, to try and woo her. He, however, was chased out by women wielding sticks. This tradition is still followed. Scores of men dressed as Kanhas visit Barsana, where they sing songs and recreate the legend. The women, then, chase them out with sticks. ~ @thequint #mathura #holi #mathurakiholi #lathmarholi #lathmaarholi #color #colorful #coloursofindia #coloursofholi

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I still don’t understand politics , I still don’t understand religion, I still don’t understand why wars exist. I know nothing. But I know one thing. We are all wrong. We have all failed. And we will keep failing if we don’t wake up from our sleep. Our sleep of ignorance, our sleep of entertainment, our sleep of the dreams of success and our sleep of money. Don’t you get it? It’s futile ! We’ll die and everything will cease to exist. Please work on the things that need work... spread the message of peace as much as you can and as far as you can. The work starts at home. Remember that. There is too much pain in this world and we need to come together to heal the world. This is an Attempt to make people see the demon who is taking over them. An attempt to make them understand. My attempt will always be to spread knowledge, the message of peace , spread awareness & help in making our relationships , society , our country & our world a better place to live in. Thank you so much to my impromptu team for this impromptu video that came straight from the heart. Puneet - Instagram handle - @puneet.khandelwalpk Anjali - Instagram handle - @anjali.4298 Prerna - Instagram handle - @prerna.khandelwal.140 Apoorva - Instagram handle - @apoorva.123 A big thank you to Tips Music - Mission Kashmir https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.outlookindia.com/photosamp/topic/riots/103397 https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/m.timesofindia.com/city/delhi/2-protests-may-choke-central-delhi-today/amp_articleshow/72876619.cms https://www.livemint.com/news/india/delhi-caa-protest-live-updates-delhi-violence-latest-news/amp-11582692092950.html https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.deccanherald.com/amp/national/north-and-central/delhi-violence-nearly-half-of-those-killed-lost-their-lives-due-to-bullet-injury-808407.html https://english.manoramaonline.com/news/nation/2019/12/17/caa-protest-turns-violent-east-delhi-police-statiomn-seelmapur.html https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/delhi-violence-capital-on-edge-ahead-of-donald-trump-s-visit-1649543-2020-02-24 https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.siasat.com/delhi-violence-situation-capital-so-far-1838059/amp/

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कस्तो लाग्यो ?

यो पनि